Department of Education
Education: Development news, research, data
Education is a powerful driver of development and one of the strongest instruments for reducing poverty and improving health, gender equality, peace, and stability. Developing countries have made tremendous progress in getting children into the classroom and the majority of children worldwide are now in primary school. Nevertheless, some 260 million children are still out of primary and secondary school. Some theories propose that all individuals benefit from a variety of learning modalities, while others suggest that individuals may have preferred learning styles, learning more easily through visual or kinesthetic experiences. A consequence of the latter theory is that effective teaching should present a variety of teaching methods which cover all three learning modalities so that different students have equal opportunities to learn in a way that is effective for them.
- With 30,000+ digital and printable resources, kids can learn about any topic they’re curious about.
- A closely related distinction is that between descriptive and prescriptive conceptions.
- Formal education takes place in education and training institutions, is usually structured by curricular aims and objectives, and learning is typically guided by a teacher.
- The model of life is relatively static and absolute, and it is transmitted from one generation to another with little deviation.
- But they often include other aims as well, such as fostering skills and character traits.
Primary education consists of the first four to seven years of formal, structured education. In general, primary education consists of six to eight years of schooling starting at the age of five to seven, although this varies between, and sometimes within, countries. Globally, in 2008, around 89% of children aged six to twelve were enrolled in primary education, and this proportion was rising.
But even before the pandemic, more than half of all 10-year-olds in middle- and low-income countries couldn’t read or understand a simple story. Yet, for too many children across the globe, schooling does not lead to learning. The initiation “curriculum” does not usually include practical subjects. Instead, it consists of a whole set of cultural values, tribal religion, myths, philosophy, history, rituals, and other knowledge.
Mind, brain, and education
The COVID-19 pandemic forced teachers to undergo a sudden shift toward technology-enhanced teaching and learning, challenging their capacities for change in many ways. This study explores those factors constraining teachers’ wellbeing and agency that influenced their capacities as teachers in a Finnish university […] Read more. Student attrition is a challenge experienced by higher education institutions. One of the key reasons for student attrition is the inability of students to develop an identity and a sense of belonging.
Digital Education Action Plan
Educational psychology both draws from and contributes to cognitive science and the learning sciences. In universities, departments of educational psychology are usually housed within faculties of education, possibly accounting for the lack of representation of educational psychology content in introductory psychology textbooks (Lucas, Blazek, & Raley, 2006). Pedagogy is often defined as the study or science of teaching methods.
The increasing shortage of teachers in secondary education, in Flanders as well as worldwide, is partly due to an insufficient inflow of new teachers. This stimulates research on the motivation of students to become and remain teachers. Understanding the relations of urban elements is important in secondary school geography. Based on the price data of 22,684 listed apartments, this article aims to enable students to understand how geographical elements are related to the distribution of apartment prices through spatial analysis […] Read more.
We believe in investing in technology partnerships that open up new opportunities for collaboration and innovation. These strategic partnerships help our platform to be more accessible and more effective for more people. Funding will increase access to English and maths schemes in schools, and the Education Endowment Foundation is backed to continue to improve attainment.
In the past, those who were disabled were often not eligible for public education. Children with disabilities were repeatedly denied an education by physicians or special tutors. These early physicians set the foundation for special education today.